The first 75 years
PRE - 1911 The census of
1851, the last before the discovery of ironstone in the district,
recorded that the area which was to comprise the parish of Holy
Souls has a total population of 1,245. Iron ore was discovered
(re-discovered really, since there are many signs of early Roman
and Saxon workings) in 1859, and the population at the next census,
1861 was found to have increased by 178.
Read more about the first 75 years >>
The Holy Souls Mission
The New
Printing Works, Frodingham Road, Scunthorpe. It is an old axiom
that the world is wide enough for us all; is wide enough at any
rate for all those who are broad minded enough to live and let
Read more about the Holy Souls Mission >>
The New Catholic Church
In common with other
religious bodies in the town, the Catholic community have felt for
a long time the need for increased accommodations, and as the
result of a handsome grant from the Young Trustees it was found
possible to commence the erection of a new church to displace the
present iron structure. Led on by the enthusiasm of Father Askew,
who worked hard for the cause since he came to Scunthorpe, various
means have been devised of raising money towards the building
Read more about the New Catholic Church >>
The Golden Jubilee
celebration of the golden jubilee of Holy Souls Church on 30th
November, 1961, is not only a source of gratification and
thanksgiving by the congregation, and indeed, by the whole Catholic
community of Scunthorpe ; it is, at the same time, an occasion for
reminiscence concerning the past, and speculation about the